Forums - questions:balrog in ST. Show all 52 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- questions:balrog in ST. ( Posted by balrog on 08:18:2001 10:51 AM: questions:balrog in ST. i had some rog qestions: 1:during his TAP,is his foot invincible? 2:ST rog had two rushing uppercut,which is better for anti-air?[normal or the low one] Posted by Apoc on 08:19:2001 12:17 AM: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by balrog i had some rog qestions: 1:during his TAP,is his foot invincible? 2:ST rog had two rushing uppercut,which is better for anti-air?[normal or the low one] 1) No his feet are not invincible like Sf2:HF. 2) It depends on the situation. The high dash uppercut completes faster and is great for those with quick reflexes who can bust it out while the opponent is on the way up. The ducking upper is better for going under things and then attacking similar to Dudley's ducking dashes in sf3. Say Sagat is jumping straight up and down just waiting to RH you. If you can knock him on the way up you're good. If you can't you want to do the low upper because he will hit the rh when you rush and you will duck it as it's coming out and hit sagat under it. Situations like that. But a lot of the time a split second determines which is better for the situation. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:19:2001 07:18 AM: one more guestion,sorry:> is it really possible to use final TAP to beat your enemy in real human vs human battle???[i dun believe u can charge for over 50 game secounds!] Posted by Apoc on 08:19:2001 09:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by balrog one more guestion,sorry:> is it really possible to use final TAP to beat your enemy in real human vs human battle???[i dun believe u can charge for over 50 game secounds!] is possible and useful from a defensive posture. I usually end up using it whenever I baited a whiff regardless of number. I used to play with all kicks held down. Rog doesn't need the kicks in a lot of matches. He has st. strong, ducking fierce and a jab dash for air defense on the fly. Not to mention other position specific defenses. So this leaves you to freely use Rog while charging the big guns. Fake a few dashes to draw a whiff and then let it fly. On a3 and ex rog in cvs final is useful in many matches since it dodges mid attacks. Also on ST he has the headbutt as well. It takes getting used to. But it is effective and in some match-ups just damn frickin' good. It really depends on the match up. But I've used it in tourneys on every game. Apoc. Posted by V-Gouki on 08:19:2001 06:56 PM: To Apoc : Last night I was playing Vega (dictator) against my friend's M.Bison (boxer) and I had a lot of difficulties. I always ended up in the corner, and couldn't do anything. Bison's corner pressure is a real nightmare when it is well done. What are Vega's best options against him ? Posted by Red Spiral on 08:20:2001 12:39 AM: Are you guys talking about new or old Balrog? I think Old is better, even though he doesn't have the badass super, he can corner someone really well and has basically all of new's moves. Posted by balrog on 08:20:2001 11:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Are you guys talking about new or old Balrog? I think Old is better, even though he doesn't have the badass super, he can corner someone really well and has basically all of new's moves. not!new is much better,new rog can move forward when jump straingup to avoild fb-sweep and his rushing low uppercut against akuma's air fb!the only advantage of the old is rushing strain punch hit low...... Posted by Apoc on 08:20:2001 08:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by V-Gouki To Apoc : Last night I was playing Vega (dictator) against my friend's M.Bison (boxer) and I had a lot of difficulties. I always ended up in the corner, and couldn't do anything. Bison's corner pressure is a real nightmare when it is well done. What are Vega's best options against him ? Imo this is a pretty even fight. For the purpose of not confusing myself I will use american names since I have a hangover:P heheh Rog=boxer Bison=Dictator K...Bison can be very mean in this fight. Rog can't do any rushes as long as Bison mixes up his pokes. Rog wants to wait until Bison whiffs a move to rush in and counter it. Otherwise Rog risks running into one of Bison's specials, or more realistically his pokes. So Bison wants to somehow draw a whiffed Dash or wait for Rog to be standing toreally attack. To do this you can do things like a well ranged st.forward so that when Rog comes in for the counter you can make him eat a st. Rh which will stop his momentum because a counter RH causes a lot of stun and a couple of those and Rog is down 50% and stunned. So you want to make Rog fear the RH. That will force him to be more selective when attacking, killing his all out rushdown game in that match. Once you've caused breathing room you can can use your footspeed and have a footsie match with Rog and utilize his throw. Don't worry about turtling in this match. Just do it. It's strategically appropriate. Even after you stop Rog's rush game with the standing ticks the times when Rog does get you to block a rush he's doing only a few things. He'll try and sneak a dash upper to grab, make you block or whiff a low dash to draw a counter so he can counter with the headbutt....etc. This is what your main worry is. The ducking rush tick. You want to learn the timing to duck his uppers and throw him as it's retracting before he can throw you. This takes a bit of timing. If you are off at all your throw attempt will be hit by the headbutt. It's his best rush down trick in the match. Ducking upper to throw/headbutt. Turns it into a guessing game for Bison. So imo, to tame this match up you need to draw dashes with whiffs to counter with RH for HUGE damage and stun. When he's ducking just block and watch for his low rush tricks(don't bother trying to counter a low punch dash. Trust me just chill in block when he does this) and learn how to duck and throw the uppers before he can throw or counter you with the headbutt(prolly the hardest thing to master in the match-up. And anytime Rog isn't charged,poke liberally and abuse the throws. And if you can, learn the ranges for the priority of Rog's ducking upper. It does well in this match to stuff just about everything but low attacks from Bison AND he has the buffalo headbutt as back up if it's missed or blocked. The funny thing about that though is I have never seen any Balrog player utilize this move outside of the rushdown set-up so you need not worry midscreen...but sooner or later ppl should come to realize what a great high priority poke this is, not to mention it knocks down no matter what. But like I said, it's used mainly in rushdown tactics not footsie. There are plenty of tricks in this match-up but I believe these fewthings stop the frenzy and mad pace of the rushdown changing the whole match. It's a really nice match and when it comes down to it it's one of those "chess" matches I think. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:21:2001 10:10 AM: hey apoc!i wonder who get more winning chance when rog vs ryu? Posted by balrog on 08:21:2001 10:18 AM: hey apoc!i wonder who get more winning chance when rog vs ryu? Posted by balrog on 08:21:2001 10:19 AM: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc 1) No his feet are not invincible like Sf2:HF. 2) It depends on the situation. The high dash uppercut completes faster and is great for those with quick reflexes who can bust it out while the opponent is on the way up. The ducking upper is better for going under things and then attacking similar to Dudley's ducking dashes in sf3. Say Sagat is jumping straight up and down just waiting to RH you. If you can knock him on the way up you're good. If you can't you want to do the low upper because he will hit the rh when you rush and you will duck it as it's coming out and hit sagat under it. Situations like that. But a lot of the time a split second determines which is better for the situation. Apoc. no!the cpu chunli sweep me with crouching RH when i use TAP!?!? Posted by ashapiro on 08:21:2001 12:44 PM: God bless you, Apoc. - Aaron Shapiro Posted by Apoc on 08:21:2001 08:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by ashapiro God bless you, Apoc. - Aaron Shapiro Wow Thanks bro...I BETTER have a good day now! =) Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:22:2001 03:02 AM: hey apoc!i wonder who get more winning chance when rog vs ryu? Posted by Apoc on 08:22:2001 05:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by balrog hey apoc!i wonder who get more winning chance when rog vs ryu? It "can" be 50/50 but generally when played ,is a slaughter. Rog can attack Ryu pretty freely while any pressure Ryu employs leaves him open. It depends on the player but I'd have to say it's a 65-35 match in Rog's favor historically. I'm on my way out so I can't break it down but I think this match is common enough to see why. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:22:2001 10:29 AM: so wht is rog hardest fight? Posted by Red Spiral on 08:22:2001 09:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by balrog so wht is rog hardest fight? Guile, but GOOD Guiles. If the Guile sits = rape. If the Guile Backhands = Victory. There's more to it than that, but a Guile that keeps mixing up his style and throws occasional backhands usually beat Balrog. The backhand beats Rog's s. hp and other pokes and jumpins, but there is a way to counter than, but you can't make yourself too predictable. Posted by Apoc on 08:23:2001 03:37 AM: I'd have to disagree. Guile "can" be good in this match-up. I don't consider him a problem though. I think Rog is just about as good at killing Guile as Vega is. Maybe better, though reqiring more effort. Rog's problem matches imo...? Old Sagat. On paper it's damn fair. It's very winnable. But Rog must work so much harder to get in than Sagat must to push Rog away. If I didn't just break down some Vega stuff on another thread I would show how Sagat kills Rog. Main Reason is because Rog has to watch Sagat in order to attack while sagat can move much more liberally. It's a great match really. But I think I could probably kill any Rog with O.Sagat. I think a turtle Deejay SHOULD cause Rog probs but I have yet to see my theory proven. Chun can cause a very slow methodical match that generally screws with most rog players but Rog still owns her imo. Sim is just like sagat...but more winnable. I do think that Rog can win any match. But Guile? I don't see it right now:/ Guile's generally get rushed down by Rog. Apoc. Posted by Red Spiral on 08:23:2001 03:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Apoc I'd have to disagree. Guile "can" be good in this match-up. I don't consider him a problem though. I think Rog is just about as good at killing Guile as Vega is. Maybe better, though reqiring more effort. Rog's problem matches imo...? Old Sagat. On paper it's damn fair. It's very winnable. But Rog must work so much harder to get in than Sagat must to push Rog away. If I didn't just break down some Vega stuff on another thread I would show how Sagat kills Rog. Main Reason is because Rog has to watch Sagat in order to attack while sagat can move much more liberally. It's a great match really. But I think I could probably kill any Rog with O.Sagat. I think a turtle Deejay SHOULD cause Rog probs but I have yet to see my theory proven. Chun can cause a very slow methodical match that generally screws with most rog players but Rog still owns her imo. Sim is just like sagat...but more winnable. I do think that Rog can win any match. But Guile? I don't see it right now:/ Guile's generally get rushed down by Rog. Apoc. I kick sitting Guile's asses easily, but can you give me tips on fighting a backhanding Guile? That backhand knocks almost all rog's pokes out and his jumpins. Posted by balrog on 08:23:2001 07:06 AM: i think rog had a fight with zangief!i think gif lariat punch beat rog low RH and even the low rushing punch!isn't??? Posted by Devil Lee on 08:23:2001 08:32 AM: Does anyone know where I can find a copy of SSF2T for Dreamcast? Preferably cheap, even used if in good condition. Thanks. Posted by roboticus on 08:23:2001 03:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Guile, but GOOD Guiles. If the Guile sits = rape. If the Guile Backhands = Victory. There's more to it than that, but a Guile that keeps mixing up his style and throws occasional backhands usually beat Balrog. The backhand beats Rog's s. hp and other pokes and jumpins, but there is a way to counter than, but you can't make yourself too predictable. I've seen footage of JPN Guiles. Those combo books w/like 6-8+ hit combos, some of them that have like 2-3 sbs in the combo, these are what (good) JPN people do all day. I can sometimes do it on my SNES for SSF2, but don't come even half as close on ST. If the footage is still up of Sagat (Choi) vs. Guile, you can see how fast Guile can charge sonic booms. It's all about linking and how fast you can move the stick back to charge (as not to lose the charge). I don't see how Guile's backfist stops Balrog's low attacks -- not saying that it can't be done, just that I can't see it. Personally, I think Guile gives everyone problems except maybe Vega (claw) and Bison (leader). Dale Posted by balrog on 08:24:2001 07:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by roboticus I've seen footage of JPN Guiles. Those combo books w/like 6-8+ hit combos, some of them that have like 2-3 sbs in the combo, these are what (good) JPN people do all day. I can sometimes do it on my SNES for SSF2, but don't come even half as close on ST. If the footage is still up of Sagat (Choi) vs. Guile, you can see how fast Guile can charge sonic booms. It's all about linking and how fast you can move the stick back to charge (as not to lose the charge). I don't see how Guile's backfist stops Balrog's low attacks -- not saying that it can't be done, just that I can't see it. Personally, I think Guile gives everyone problems except maybe Vega (claw) and Bison (leader). Dale ryu 's hurricane kick can counter rog's rushing low punch and C.RH!BTW,akuma can finsih guile with his air fb, plus dj,chunli and gif can gives big problem to guile too. Posted by roboticus on 08:24:2001 03:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by balrog ryu 's hurricane kick can counter rog's rushing low punch and C.RH!BTW,akuma can finsih guile with his air fb, plus dj,chunli and gif can gives big problem to guile too. Again, I will tell you that timing the hk to hit Rog out of low rp is very hard. Now, think about doing that against a tournament player (I know, it's hard since you've never been in a tournament) who mixes it up. Listen to Apoc (a much better source)if you don't believe me. His ROg is really good. And, if you're going to stop Rog's c.rh w/a hk, you might as well do it w/a dp. I can guarantee that your success ratio will be terrible. Akuma beats everyone, so that point is moot. Why do you think that DJ and Chun and Gief beat Guile? I don't care how many times you state it, it does not make it true. Give some examples, why don't you? btw, unless you can do standing 720s, I do not see how Zangief can get in on Guile. Hopping (that stomach grab move) over Guile's c.kicks will only work so much (against scrubs). Otherwise, Zangief will never get in. Dale Posted by Apoc on 08:24:2001 04:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral I kick sitting Guile's asses easily, but can you give me tips on fighting a backhanding Guile? That backhand knocks almost all rog's pokes out and his jumpins. Never pay TOO much attention to priority. If you hit a move on retraction it doesn't matter. That's why footsies are so important; they help you move about and fight when you are outprioritized. Rog can counter the backhand with next to everything if Guile whiffs it. It is not a dragon punch and it doesn't have an instant frame. In order to really make this a menace in a match Guile has to anticipate too much. Especially when the Rog player is acting like he's dashing but not hitting a button(you'd be surprised how LEET that tactic is even though you're losing your charge), Guile responds with the backfist and Rog responds by fiercing his whiff. Rog has too many ways to punish a whiff and they all hurt. Like walking at guile and stopping just as Guile backfists, it whiffs, Rog TAPs with 4 or higher, peace out. Short upper to grab when it whiffs. So many ways to mess someone up ANYtime they don't, at least, make you block it. But really what kills this tactic is the short low dash upper. This usually trades but Guile gets knocked down and this move hits clean often. So if Guile backfists that dash he's getting knocked down and Rog is all over him. If Guile doesn't do anything he gets grabbed. It Guile tries to counter after the dash he gets headbutted. So now Guile's left with footsies. And low forward isn't too good against Rog's forward. So Rog can trade with the backfist for damage and positioning(so you can't keep trading, but then what?)and can counter it when it whiffs with any variety of moves. Dash upper and grab during that recovery, now Guile's busy trying to guess what the heck to do next after Rog let's go It's a lot like Dj's low forward. It stops TOO much of Rog's shit. but Rog is designed to counter your counter in ST. Ppl would do well to remember that. You'd think Dj could win on that move in this fight...but when's the last time you've heard of a Dj beating Rog? Comes down to footsies yo. Apoc. Posted by omni on 08:24:2001 06:22 PM: Even though Apoc covered like EVERY single scenario that you need, Balrog's Low Strong will also take out Guile's Backhand. I swear my Balrog has turned more and more into A2 Rose these days. But it's a really good move. At almost any given situation you should be doing either low strong, standing fierce or low rush. These 3 things will answer almost any question you have when it comes to balrog. Derek Daniels Posted by Red Spiral on 08:24:2001 11:05 PM: Thanks Apoc and Omni, I'll try to remember that. I never tried to play footsies with Guile, because of his c. forward, and the only way I know how to counter that is s. fierce. Posted by Apoc on 08:25:2001 02:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Thanks Apoc and Omni, I'll try to remember that. I never tried to play footsies with Guile, because of his c. forward, and the only way I know how to counter that is s. fierce. Rog's own forward kills Guile's cleanly. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:25:2001 02:41 AM: hey,apoc!u are rog master,right?i had some question: wht will happen when a flashkick vs the buffolo headbutt?who will win? and i find some difficuty to headbutt though the sonic boom,so how rog to deal with the sonic boom trap?]if i jump,he C.fierce or jump to meet me with kick....] Posted by Apoc on 08:25:2001 03:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by balrog hey,apoc!u are rog master,right?i had some question: wht will happen when a flashkick vs the buffolo headbutt?who will win? and i find some difficuty to headbutt though the sonic boom,so how rog to deal with the sonic boom trap?]if i jump,he C.fierce or jump to meet me with kick....] The second one wins. Meaning whoever did the move last will win. For the sonic boom you just need to be faster. Though a wierd effect has always occurred to me. It looks like Rog's headbutt freezes Guile there to be hit. But anyway, just watch Guile's hands. They come together before the boom is formed. If you react to that he can't recover from the sonic boom. Also Rog's jumping short kills the duck frc from the right range and so does an early jumping RH and a late jumping strong. It's all a matter of timing and distance. But Rog can nail the sonic boom quite easily. I jump sonic booms with short for fun a lot because when the short hits the Guile is never ready to back his cr. frc up when it gets hit so I land and grab since I'm too high and far to combo. That counter jumping short to grab works EVERYtime(well, I suppose not anymore) even the flashkick comes out slow enough to where you can see it and then counter. Guile can't really trap Rog. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:25:2001 10:58 AM: so wht winning chance for this match?i mean rog vs guile. Posted by Apoc on 08:25:2001 11:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by balrog so wht winning chance for this match?i mean rog vs guile. I'd say Rog 65-35. Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:25:2001 11:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Apoc I'd say Rog 65-35. Apoc. rog had more win chance!?but i dunno why guys in hongkong arcade keep using guile instead of rog......why? Posted by balrog on 08:25:2001 11:37 AM: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc 1) No his feet are not invincible like Sf2:HF. 2) It depends on the situation. The high dash uppercut completes faster and is great for those with quick reflexes who can bust it out while the opponent is on the way up. The ducking upper is better for going under things and then attacking similar to Dudley's ducking dashes in sf3. Say Sagat is jumping straight up and down just waiting to RH you. If you can knock him on the way up you're good. If you can't you want to do the low upper because he will hit the rh when you rush and you will duck it as it's coming out and hit sagat under it. Situations like that. But a lot of the time a split second determines which is better for the situation. Apoc. i dun think it is invincible!the cpu chunli will almost low RH rog out of his TAP!!!why? Posted by Apoc on 08:26:2001 03:05 AM: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by balrog i dun think it is invincible!the cpu chunli will almost low RH rog out of his TAP!!!why? How many times are you going to RE-READ me wrong? I said his Tap is NOT invincible at the feet like HF:P hehe Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:26:2001 08:49 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc How many times are you going to RE-READ me wrong? I said his Tap is NOT invincible at the feet like HF:P hehe Apoc. apoc!u get me wrong!!!i mean i am sweep by cpu chunli with low RH in sf2t!!!not ST! Posted by Apoc on 08:26:2001 09:37 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by balrog apoc!u get me wrong!!!i mean i am sweep by cpu chunli with low RH in sf2t!!!not ST! Then you're mistiming your TAP. TAP dodges everything. You can walk up on Chun Li and if she hits a move you'll dodge and nail her. After being around for awhile discussin old school it's become obvious to me that ppl didn't understand how to abuse this move in HF. To this day I would give up the buffalo headbutt for the HF TAP any day. This is his #1 move in HF by far. Try playing by just using this move and you'll learn how to really use it. It's even an anti-air option. It's like an instant parry-counter. Use it when you would parry...except high or low doesn't matter. The one downfall you'll have in serious matches is getting tossed out of it. If your opponent is smart he'll look to see when you have 3 punches held down and now you can't reverse a throw attempt. So, you're better off learning to play with the kicks held down. To perfect it you want to be holding a TAP after every button press and learn how to play with the punches or kicks only. Also you never want it to go past 2. So you need to learn how to whiff a move or jump to let go and reset the timer for the TAP. Posted by ckl master on 08:26:2001 10:52 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc Then you're mistiming your TAP. TAP dodges everything. You can walk up on Chun Li and if she hits a move you'll dodge and nail her. After being around for awhile discussin old school it's become obvious to me that ppl didn't understand how to abuse this move in HF. To this day I would give up the buffalo headbutt for the HF TAP any day. This is his #1 move in HF by far. Try playing by just using this move and you'll learn how to really use it. It's even an anti-air option. It's like an instant parry-counter. Use it when you would parry...except high or low doesn't matter. The one downfall you'll have in serious matches is getting tossed out of it. If your opponent is smart he'll look to see when you have 3 punches held down and now you can't reverse a throw attempt. So, you're better off learning to play with the kicks held down. To perfect it you want to be holding a TAP after every button press and learn how to play with the punches or kicks only. Also you never want it to go past 2. So you need to learn how to whiff a move or jump to let go and reset the timer for the TAP. ok!apoc u say u are rog master,but i doubt u can't beat the cpu bison with is hard as heck!!!!!but i can.....:>:> rog in HF is great!!!i also know that and readed some rog in HF faqs!but i think rog is best in ST...... Posted by Apoc on 08:26:2001 11:25 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by ckl master ok!apoc u say u are rog master,but i doubt u can't beat the cpu bison with is hard as heck!!!!!but i can.....:>:> rog in HF is great!!!i also know that and readed some rog in HF faqs!but i think rog is best in ST...... Actually, I loved fighting Bisons. One thing to note here is that there's a nice nifty range that you can use against Bison in HF where Low RH hits ANYthing he does clean. The range is just about a gloves length away from Rog's fully extended RH. At this range you can almost randomly hit the RH. So if you're good at rushdown it's not to hard to have this range permanantly once you have Bison in the corner. Low RH with TAP as back-up is REALLY messed up in this match, though it can be a good fight. Bison doesn't suck like most ppl feel in HF. Apoc. Posted by ckl master on 08:26:2001 11:35 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc Actually, I loved fighting Bisons. One thing to note here is that there's a nice nifty range that you can use against Bison in HF where Low RH hits ANYthing he does clean. The range is just about a gloves length away from Rog's fully extended RH. At this range you can almost randomly hit the RH. So if you're good at rushdown it's not to hard to have this range permanantly once you have Bison in the corner. Low RH with TAP as back-up is REALLY messed up in this match, though it can be a good fight. Bison doesn't suck like most ppl feel in HF. Apoc. not!my q is "can u beat the cpu bison with rog in HF?"try once and u will see how hard it is....[much harder than beat akuma in ST!] the cpu bison is so cheap,he will standing kick u out of your rushing punch,and even tap!!!if u low RH and miss,he torpedo u!even if u S.fierce,he kick u.... i can only beat cpu bison with rog with some cheap skills...:P btw,bison is low tier in hf!bison is best in ce,but worst in HF IMHO!bison and vega are the worst chars in HF,without a doubt!!! Posted by Apoc on 08:26:2001 12:00 PM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by ckl master not!my q is "can u beat the cpu bison with rog in HF?"try once and u will see how hard it is....[much harder than beat akuma in ST!] the cpu bison is so cheap,he will standing kick u out of your rushing punch,and even tap!!!if u low RH and miss,he torpedo u!even if u S.fierce,he kick u.... i can only beat cpu bison with rog with some cheap skills...:P btw,bison is low tier in hf!bison is best in ce,but worst in HF IMHO!bison and vega are the worst chars in HF,without a doubt!!! Ok. Dude, Cpu Bison is one of the easiest match-ups for Rog. Here's what I do. I walk right up to him right away and then let go of fierce(releasing the TAP), then I hold down fierce while the first Tap finishes then I do it again. See, if you walk up to Rog and TAP he will automatically whiff a st. RH and get hit clean...then you do it again. At most it takes 3 to dizzy but usually 2 and then I go to town with a combo. Wash, rinse, repeat. I can double perfect Bison this way. Hardest difficulty even. The game is programmed to do that 80% of the time at a close range. If he doesn't kick by chance, he blocks, then you TAP again. Simple as that. Damn, and this is years ago yo. hehhe I agree with Bison being low, I don't know about last. But it's certainly his worst incarnation. And of course I think you're wrong about vega Apoc. Posted by balrog on 08:27:2001 06:42 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: questions:balrog in ST. quote: Originally posted by Apoc Ok. Dude, Cpu Bison is one of the easiest match-ups for Rog. Here's what I do. I walk right up to him right away and then let go of fierce(releasing the TAP), then I hold down fierce while the first Tap finishes then I do it again. See, if you walk up to Rog and TAP he will automatically whiff a st. RH and get hit clean...then you do it again. At most it takes 3 to dizzy but usually 2 and then I go to town with a combo. Wash, rinse, repeat. I can double perfect Bison this way. Hardest difficulty even. The game is programmed to do that 80% of the time at a close range. If he doesn't kick by chance, he blocks, then you TAP again. Simple as that. Damn, and this is years ago yo. hehhe I agree with Bison being low, I don't know about last. But it's certainly his worst incarnation. And of course I think you're wrong about vega Apoc. not!!!!!cpu bison will kick rog out of his tap!!!!!!i just win this cheap cpu by just jumping and fierce and punsih his jump by rushing uppercut.... Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 08:27:2001 04:08 PM: Kalok sucketh JumpsuitJesse "I hope you die!" Creepshow Posted by balrog on 08:28:2001 10:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by JumpsuitJesse Kalok sucketh JumpsuitJesse "I hope you die!" Creepshow hey,jumpsuitjesse feilong.....and whtever u u know who are u talking to?do u know i am the champion in hongkong ST arcade???do u know who is really suck??? in case u dunno,i am the only man in HK that can masterd all char in ST.....[i can finsih the game,beat shin akuma with any 33 chars in ST!!!]so can u?if not just shut up your shitty mouth and listen to honda master! u make me angry cos uthink u are so gd,but dunno how i am beeter than u!!! Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 08:28:2001 01:48 PM: Cockolok, barlog, or whatever the hell your name is....I just have a few things to say to you that I am sure many of the ST community members here agree on... 1. You have absolutely NO idea about how top level matches are fought in ST. 2. You are so convinced that Honda is the best fighter in ST but yet you have no real evidence to support your points. In fact, all your post just end up with your stupid opinions. 3. You don't appreciate jack shit. Several of the members of the ST community have actually tried to enlighten you and your other wack username identities and not once have you said a simple "thank you." Instead you go on and on about how you are some kind of masta....yeah...masta-bater 4. You can't type proper english for shit. You fucking make it seem as if you speak like Grimlock from the Transfomers or something. Not only that, you try to pass on the stupid attempts of making us believe that ckl master, balrog, and kalok are different people when we know damn well that it's just you sitting behing your pc and logging in and out to change names and post again on the boards under a different name. Have you any idea how stupid you look?? If I were a mod I would have had your identities and your damn ip banned from this site because all you do is argue and boast about how great you are and offer absolutely nothing to the SRK community. And by the way. I don't think I am good. I know I am good. I don't back down from anyone, nor do I boast. I give props to anyone who beats me because I could care less about winning or losing. To me it's all about the competition. The thrill of the fight. Just know that I have the skills to back up my talk. Not once have you placed in a damn tournament here in the states. Forget Hong Kong, forget the rest of the world...I am talkin about here in the USA. With that being stated, its obvious that you suck. JumpsuitJesse "Go piss up a flagpole!" Ferris Beuler's Day Off Posted by State of Nature on 08:28:2001 04:47 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by JumpsuitJesse [B]Cockolok, barlog, or whatever the hell your name is....You fucking make it seem as if you speak like Grimlock from the Transfomers or something. Haha! Now that you mention it, his English really does remind me of Grimlok. That's really funny. I should probably start a new thread for this question, but anyways: I am just learning ST, who should I learn if I want a better chance of success, Dhalsim or Rog? Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 08:28:2001 06:34 PM: Either Rog or Sim, both are very good choices. JumpsuitJesse "Sloth love Chunk" Sloth - The Goonies Posted by Dasrik on 08:28:2001 07:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by balrog u make me angry cos uthink u are so gd,but dunno how i am beeter than u!!! Hey dipshit. If you're talking about Hong Kong, then you're talking about one of the laughing stocks of the fighting game community. I wouldn't go around bragging about how you're "honda st master" in a place where people will drag you out and beat you for using a throw. Please die, painfully preferably. You are a worthless idiot and no one cares about you. Posted by crossover on 08:28:2001 08:53 PM: chunk jessie Posted by balrog on 08:29:2001 02:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by JumpsuitJesse Cockolok, barlog, or whatever the hell your name is....I just have a few things to say to you that I am sure many of the ST community members here agree on... 1. You have absolutely NO idea about how top level matches are fought in ST. 2. You are so convinced that Honda is the best fighter in ST but yet you have no real evidence to support your points. In fact, all your post just end up with your stupid opinions. 3. You don't appreciate jack shit. Several of the members of the ST community have actually tried to enlighten you and your other wack username identities and not once have you said a simple "thank you." Instead you go on and on about how you are some kind of masta....yeah...masta-bater 4. You can't type proper english for shit. You fucking make it seem as if you speak like Grimlock from the Transfomers or something. Not only that, you try to pass on the stupid attempts of making us believe that ckl master, balrog, and kalok are different people when we know damn well that it's just you sitting behing your pc and logging in and out to change names and post again on the boards under a different name. Have you any idea how stupid you look?? If I were a mod I would have had your identities and your damn ip banned from this site because all you do is argue and boast about how great you are and offer absolutely nothing to the SRK community. And by the way. I don't think I am good. I know I am good. I don't back down from anyone, nor do I boast. I give props to anyone who beats me because I could care less about winning or losing. To me it's all about the competition. The thrill of the fight. Just know that I have the skills to back up my talk. Not once have you placed in a damn tournament here in the states. Forget Hong Kong, forget the rest of the world...I am talkin about here in the USA. With that being stated, its obvious that you suck. JumpsuitJesse "Go piss up a flagpole!" Ferris Beuler's Day Off not!suck is u!do u think only eng is gd?not!most of people in the world not say eng!and i am only US people!!!!u suck! ok!if i am suck how i win hk st arcade with honda?just prepare my honda eat your fei....... shut up if u can't finsih the game with all33 chars..... u stipid mum fucker Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 08:29:2001 02:02 PM: quote: shut up if u can't finsih the game with all33 chars..... u stipid mum fucker .......(takes a very deep breath.......... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! !!!! .....(takes another deep breath and slaps knees)............... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! !!!!!!!!!! ahem....I can finish Double Dragon with one man. I can beat River City Ransom in record time. I can beat Super Dodge Ball without losing any of my team mates. I can get to the negative worlds in Super Mario Bros. What's my point here??? CPU Opponents don't mean JACK SHEEEEEEEEIT!!! I am now going to address you as Grimloc, cuz you talk like him. Better yet, I should call you Sloth!!! Either way, you are still JumpsuitJesse "Your mama!" Scary Movie Posted by sumo on 08:30:2001 09:12 AM: jumpsuit fei is a joke All times are GMT. The time now is 10:55 PM. Show all 52 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.